Whether it’s a toothache that comes on unexpectedly in the middle of the night, a sports mishaps that results in a loose tooth or one that has been completely knocked out, or a filling has fallen out, you or a family member is bound to need the services of an emergency dentist at some point. Because most dental emergencies involve a significant amount of pain, waiting until office hours to see your dentist usually isn’t the best option. Fortuantely, emergency dentists are available for those who need care right away.
When it comes to you and your family’s dental health, it’s best to err on the side of caution and seek emergency care right away if substantial pain is a part of the picture or if a tooth has been knocked out or seriously loosed. Following are just three common scenarios when the services of an emergency dental clinic are recommended.
Severely Bleeding and Aching Gums
Tender and bleeding gums often occur during or immediately after brushing and flossing. Although these are signs that you need to visit your dentist, they usually indicate the onset of gum disease and don’t require a visit to the emergency dentist. However, if the bleeding is excessive and the aching is severe, this indicates a more serious condition that needs to be treated right away.
A Swollen Jaw
Swelling in the jaw area is a potential sign of serious infection, so it’s recommended that you see an emergency dentist as soon as possible, especially if the swelling is accompanied by a fever, difficulty swallowing, or a bad taste in your mouth. These are possible signs of an infection of the salivary glands.
An Abcessed Tooth
An abcessed tooth is one that has become infected. Because oral infections escalate very quickly, it’s essential to seek dental care as soon as you can. Oral infections can easily enter the bloodstream and cause issues in other parts of the body.
At Rock Doc Dentistry, we’re committed to every aspect of patient care, including dental emergencies. Please feel free to contact us for more information about our emergency services to that you can be prepared in the event that you find yourself in a situation in the future where you need to find an emergency dentist — after all, the last thing you need when a dental emergency occurs is to spend valuable time scrambling to find a dental emergency service.